Sabtu, 31 Oktober 2009

Tugas UID - 3 PIS - 0807 (Best Website)

Anggota Kelompok:
Al Rouf Rachman (30108125)
Elang Putra Pratama
Ustman Mustofa Mahdamy
Anandini Hetami

1. Accessibility
003-plain text/HTML alternate entry paths
004-appeal to universal audience - multilingual translations, cultural sensitivity, disability access & services

2. Aesthetically pleasing
002-minimum & maximum monitor resolutions
021-exceptional artistry
022-elegance & sophistication of core design concepts
023-typography & font styles
024-clever synergies of visual elements
029-visual appeal
030-professional appearance
031-artistic integration
032-color harmonies
036-use of borders, dividers, rules
039-audio-visual synchronization
061-uniqueness & rarity of offerings
064-innovation in content worthy of public merit
065-originality of components
066-elegance & sophistication
067-style variation from industry fashions
068-creative use of resources

3. Availability
015-quality & depth of links provided
088-free services/tools/facilities provided

4. Clarity
013-navigation functionality & clarity
050-information architecture, primary purpose, construct clarity, chunking, packaging, FAQ's & RFC
053-clarity of grammar & use of language
054-articulation of complex concepts
055-spelling, punctuation etc.
056-absence of duplication & repetition
089-clarity & potency of message delivery

5. Compatibility
041-specific mission or website goals
044-reason to return
045-customer/surfer interaction processes
048-other value added services provided

6. Configurability
012-Java & Javascript dependency, image dependency
071-audio & video broadcast, use of streaming media

7. Consistency
038-effectiveness of unified feel
040-consolidation & reinforcement of purpose

8. Control
037-effectiveness of unified feel

9. Directness
014-link integrity
016-external Vs internal link ratios for access to core information
052-information access - content rating systems, usability, search facility, site map, steps to destination, readability, effectiveness of image maps
062-commendable insight or utility
100-prompts to action

10. Efficiency
033-general layout & use of space
035-effective use of layers

11. Familiarity
025-ease of use

12. Flexibility
046-membership & community facilities
047-Email lists, newsletters, newsgroups, chat, BB
093-WAP & WebTV formats
094-use of interactive maps & other active media

13. Forgiveness
026-aids, tools & help resources

14. Immersion
001-breadth of browser compatibility
069-effective use of leading edge technologies - Java, DHTML, active X, advanced coding, XML, CSS, peer to peer
070-compression technologies, RealPlayer, Flash, Beatnik

15. Obviousness
010-workability of active x, rollovers, applets, etc.
011-page titles, descriptions, keywords & tags
042-message & its expression

16. Operability
063-advanced, unusual, or clever solutions

17. Perceptibility
027-interface functionality
073-resonance in memory
074-multi-sensory appeal & impact
075-strength of emotional impression &/or evocative attitude
077-forward thinking

18. Predictability
080-quality of predictive research

19. Recovery
057-absence of mistakes &/or inaccuracy
058-absence of incongruities
059-absence of dead ends & outdated pages
060-absence of process failures & code crash
072-database integration & functionality
078-advanced solutions

20. Responsiveness
008-wait to first reaction/interaction times
043-usefulness & quality of content, free resources etc.
076-strength of "mindprint"
079-leading-edge activities
081-ease of contact & responsiveness
082-management of requests & complaints from customers
083-customer testimonials provided\
087-contributions &/or support of worthy public causes
098-website traffic & statistics

21. Safety
009-clean HTML with no faulty code
018-international copyright laws are correctly observed
019-quotations, images & intellectual property from 3rd parties are appropriately cited
020-legal site content & legal site activities
084-refund policy & privacy practices published
090-absence of unrequested intrusions (e.g. pop ups)
096-e-commerce solutions, secure servers or advanced systems/technologies not listed in other categories.
099-potency of impact

22. Simplicity
028-clarity & simplicity
049-simplification of complex components, use of synopsis & summaries

23. Transparency
005-overall page sizes & complexity
051-perceptual clarity, focus of attention, visibility of functions
091-absence of "attention clash"
092-absence of conceptual "dissonance"

24. Trade-Off
085-business ethics, absence of "clever rorts"
086-honesty in advertising & self representations
097-professionalism in achieving website goals

25. Visibility
034-complexity & quality of tables

Yang tidak ada:
005-overall page sizes & complexity
006-average download times
007-download order & image redraws
017-original artwork, music, intellectual property etc.
095-active server & dynamically generated pages

Rabu, 14 Oktober 2009

Tugas UID - 2 (PIS - 0807)

User Profile

Theme (Tema) : Jasa Perhotelan

Object Spesification (Objek Spesifikasi) : Hotel

Functionality (Fungsionalitas) : Pemesanan Kamar Hotel Via internet / online

Form Application (bentuk Aplikasi) : Web Based Application

Application Spesification (Spesifikasi Aplikasi) :

Aplikasi ini dibuat dan dipasang di situs hotel, sebagai bagian dari situs tersebut yang mana didalam situs itu sendiri terdapat sagala informasi dari hotel tersebut. Mulai dari sejarah hotel hingga promosi - promosi yang diadakan pihak hotel.

Setelah pelanggan men-submit data-nya ke hotel yang dituju, operator lalu mengarsipkan ke database hotel.

User Profile :

* Laki - laki
* Memiliki cukup pengetahuan mengenai Komputer
* Pendidikan min. SMA/Sederajat

Design System :

* Desktop / Laptop
* Accsess Internet / Internet Connection
* Application
* Design Interface aplikasi di web harus jelas, nyaman, dan mudah dipahami pelanggan
* Design Interface aplikasi di hotel harus dapat memudahkan operator memasukkan data pelanggan yang di terima dari internet ke database hotel.